Bright Green
Bright Green is a vinegar soda with lovage.
Lovage is a beloved herb to those who know it — like a cult high octane celery.
It grows so vigorously that people use the stalks as straws for Caesar’s. Here we let the lovage the macerate for 10 days in our 4 year old cider vinegar.
What's it like? Bright Green is potent, saline, tastes just like celery. It's a bit of a mind trip - like a green smoothie without the colour green. If you don’t love celery, you won't love this. But if you're into cult-y herbs and/or love Caesars, we see you and we made this for you.
0% ABV | 750mL
Every Spring release is gluten free and vegan. Chill well before opening.
See the photos above for the full nutrition facts and ingredient lists.