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How to save a cider company

A month ago when shit hit the fan, it was sad but also kind of a relief. Like maybe all the day-to-day stress of trying to make things work was finally over.

We’ve all read the phrase “if you want a small business to exist, you have to buy from them”.

It often reads like blame, like you personally are the reason that something no longer exists.

That’s never totally true, but I can say that you all are the reason that Revel in particular, still exists right now.

Part of that initial relief was the thought: ‘if no one wants the rest of these ciders, then it’ll be a clear sign that Revel has run its course.’

And that would be sad, but it would also be ok.

4 weeks later though, and it’s obvious that that’s not the case.

We’ve sold nearly two thirds of what we needed to get through by the end of the year. We aren’t all the way there yet, but your support has been so energizing, at a time when I was definitely tapped out.

These last few weeks were some of the hardest I’ve had doing this thing called Revel.

There have been a lot of feelings, and I want to be sure they’re captured fresh, untainted by other experiences.

After all, ‘fruit, flowers & feelings’ is our motto.

This moment in time has been a blur. Like trying to sprint a months-long marathon, through fog punctuated by the scream of tape guns, the dry, cracked skin from touching hundreds of cardboard boxes, and the occasional moments of joy while reading your kind emails, and meeting you at your doorsteps on delivery.

Someone shared a story someone about drinking Revel on their first date with their now life partner.

If this was the end, it would be comforting to know how many moments folks have shared these bottles over.

But it’s not the end. Not yet at least.

We have quite a few more bottles to get through but they should all be online by the end of next week. And right now we’re giving one away, on us (see the site for details).

Thank you for all your support folks. If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping yet, I know where you can find some pretty killer bottles. 💁👩‍💻


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